I have read several negative reviews about the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8, and all of these comment on the poor build quality. Okay, the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 lens isn’t the toughest lens out there, and it does feel like a child’s toy rather than a serious photography lens but so does the Canon 50mm f1.8 lens. Using the Canon 50mm f1.8 and the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 and comparing them side by side clearly shows there is no difference in build quality between the two lenses whatsoever, and neither one is better than the other.
Many of the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 reviews I have read comment on poor image quality. Okay, the image quality of the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 may not be exceptional, but it is just as good as the Canon 50mm f1.8. I have done a side by side comparison of photos taken with the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 and the Canon 50mm f1.8 and they are identical. Yep, there is no difference in image quality between the two lenses whatsoever.
The Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 lens and the Canon 50m f1.8 lens are identical in every way, other than the price - the Canon 50mm f1.8 is more than double the cost of the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8, so it is easy to see the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8 is awesome value for money.
If you are looking for a 50mm f1.8 lens for your Canon dslr camera I highly recommend the Yongnuo 50mm f1.8, and I assure you that it is identical to the Canon’s own 50mm f1.8 lens only you’ll have some money left in your pocket to spend on some other piece of photography equipment.
Focal Length – Full frame/APS-C:- 50mm/ 80mm/ Aperture:- 1.8 - 22/
Min focus:- 13.8"/ Dimensions:- 2.72" x 1.55"/
Weight:- 5.6 oz/ Image stabilization:- No/ Price (approx.) $USD/£
GBP:- $125.00/£100.00
Focal Length – Full frame/APS-C:- 50mm/80mm/ Aperture:- 1.8 - 22/Min
focus:- 17.7”/ Dimensions:- 3.15” x 3.27”/ Weight:- 4.2oz/ Image
stabilization:- No/ Price (approx.) $USD/£GBP:- $58.00/£40.00
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