Arguably, the easiest chicken recipe is the chicken curry. You can make your own chicken curry from scratch, but this requires a lot of different herbs and spices, and can take a lot of time and effort to prepare. An easy alternative is to use one of the readymade curry sauces that are readily available from all grocery stores. There are several different types of curry sauces that range from the very mild, such as the korma, all the way through to the very hot and spicy sauce, such as the vindaloo. There are several other sauces of different spice levels in between, so there is something for all tastes.

If you want to show your family and friends your culinary skills and want to make a curry from scratch I would suggest doing some internet research and simply searching for a curry making website. There are loads to choose from, so finding a suitable one won’t take too long.
An alternative to chicken is turkey. Turkey is not as popular as chicken and, as such, is generally cheaper. There is not much difference between chicken and turkey so if you are on a bit of a budget and trying to live a bit frugally a turkey recipe may be just the thing for you.
Since turkey is so similar to chicken you can use turkey as a direct substitute in all the chicken recipes above. That’s right, turkey recipes include bbq turkey, turkey and rice and turkey casserole. One of the best turkey recipes is turkey chilli, and there are plenty of turkey chili recipes you can use.
One of the easiest turkey chili recipes simply involves marinating a turkey breast in some oil with chilli powder overnight and then cooking on the grill or barbeque. You can alter the level of spice of this dish by adding more or less chilli powder to taste. Another turkey chili recipe involves mincing the turkey and then making a standard chilli con carne.
It is clear that chicken and turkey are versatile meats that can be used in a hundred and one different meals. What’s more, both meats are healthy, nutritious, high in protein, low in fat and very good for you.
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