Thursday 12 July 2018

Testing the video camera on the Wingsland S6 selfie drone

After recently buying the Wingsland S6 selfie drone and learning how to fly it, now was the time to do the good stuff and check out the image quality of the on-board camera.

So what's the camera like? Is the image quality any good? Check out the following clip, and see what you think.

Related videos 

For more Wingsland drone related videos and footage check out the “Drones and aerial photography” playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

First day -night-day time lapse with the Go Pro 6 action camera

First ever attempt at a night lapse and I thought I would use the Go Pro 6 action camera to do it. I obviously have a lot to learn, but overall I'm more than happy and I definitely see the potential. Now looking forward to doing some more.

Sunday 1 July 2018

The battery grip - the most under rated accessory for your camera

A battery grip is seldom mentioned as one of the "must have" bits of photography equipment, and I am always amazed by this. A battery grip is a great add on accessory to any camera, and in my opinion it is something that all photographers should own. 

There are many advantages in using a battery grip, many of which are explored in the clip below, and whilst battery grips aren't particularly cheap they are worth every penny, and I guarantee your photography skills will improve if you use one. 

Don't believe me? Check out the following clip.

Related videos 

For more photography related videos and footage you may find useful/interesting check out the "photography ramblings" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Simple edit to improve video captured with the Wingsland S6 drone

The image quality of the on-board camera of the Wingsland S6 selfie drone is pretty good right off the bat, but if you want to get the best mage quality possible you need to do a bit of editing, as explored in the following video:-

Related videos 

For more Wingsland drone related videos and footage check out the “Drones and aerial photography” playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Slow motion of the Wingsland S6 selfie drone using Go Pro 6

The Go Pro 6 is an excellent action camera, and one of the main reasons I bought one was for the 240 frames per second slow motion capability. 

The Go Pro can produce slow motion footage up to 8x slower, and still capture smooth footage.

If you want to see an example of the type of slow motion the Go Pro 6 can capture check out the clip below:-

Related videos 

For more Wingsland drone related videos and footage check out the “Drones and aerial photography” playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Monday 18 June 2018

Will the Wingsland S6 selfie drone really do 8m/s, i.e. 18mph?

On the back of the Wingsland S6 drone's box it clearly states that the Wingsland S6 has a top speed of 18mph. This is fine, but I can't get my Wingsland S6 faster than 3mph - 5mph, which is nowhere near as fast as the 18mph advertised. 

To put it in to perspective I can walk beside my Wingsland S6 drone when it is flat out, and I can assure you I cannot travel at 18mph under my own steam. To top speed of my S6 drone is exploed in the clip below:-

Related videos 

For more Wingsland drone related videos and footage check out the “Drones and aerial photography” playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Sunday 17 June 2018

Slow motion footage of the DJI Spark at 240fps

The Go Pro 6 is a great camera for capturing slow motion footage, and if you want to see an example of the sort of slow motion footage you can capture with the go Pro 6, check out footage below:-

Related videos 

For more Wingsland drone related videos and footage check out the “Drones and aerial photography” playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Go Pro footage with a front fork mounted camera

In a bid to find the best location to attach my Go Pro Session 4 camera to my bike to record cycle rides, I thought I would strap it to the front forks and see what happens, i.e. what sort of footage it would capture. The results of my little experiment are in the clip below:

Related videos 

For even more Go Pro Session 4 camera footage and videos, with the camera attached to various parts on my bike, take a look at the "Go Pro footage" playlist, courtesy of Youtube

Friday 15 June 2018

The view from a Go Pro Session camera handle bar mounted

All things considered the Go Pro Session 4 is a great camera, and its small dimensions and light weight make it a great action camera for capturing bike rides. To see the sort of footage the Go Pro Session 4 camera captures mounted on to the handlebars take a look at the following clip;

Related videos

For more video clips and footage captured using the Go Pro Session 4 camera mounted in various places on a bike take a look at the "Go Pro Footage" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Yongnuo YN-24EX twin light - An affordable rival to the Canon MT-24EX tw...

A macro twin light is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best macro lighting solution currently available.The Canon MT-24EX was one of the first macro twin lights released, and whilst it is exceptionally good, boy is it expensive. Yep, if you want one of these macro twin lights you are going to have to dig deep and be prepared to spend a lot of money. 

Fortunately, there is a cheaper alternative and whilst it is not as sturdy and robust as the Canon macro twin light it works in exactly the same way and provides the same results. The cheaper alternative I am referring to is the Yongnuo YN-24EX and it really is great. If you want to see just how good the Yongnuo YN is, or isn't as the case may be, take a look at the following clip:-

Related videos

For more flash photography related clips and footage take a look at the following "Flash photography" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Monday 11 June 2018

Yongnuo YN-14EX - Affordable ring flash that rivals Canon and Sigma

A ring flash is a great light for macro photography, product photography and close up photography and, in my humble opinion, much better than a conventional flash or speed light. 

Ring flashes are quite expensive and before you go and part with your hard earned money and buy one, you need to make sure you can justify the cost. The premium branded ring flashes, i.e. Canon, Nikon and Sigma, are very expensive and you are going to have to dig deep to buy one. 

Fortunately, there is a cheaper alternative made by Yongnuo - the YN-14EX ring flash. This is a budget ring flash that is based on the Canon MR-14 ring flash, and also works in exactly the same way. 

Is the Yongnuo YN-14EX any good? Does the YN-14EX ring flash rival the Canon and Sigma ring flashes? Is the YN-14EX a viable alternative that is a good buy? Take a look at the following review and all will be revealed.

Related videos

For even more photography equipment reviews take a look at the "Photography equipment reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

Friday 8 June 2018

Manfrotto Advanced holster bag review

Manfrotto are best know for making tripods and monopods, all of which are exceptionally good and highly rated kit. I, myself, use a Manfrotto tripod and monopod (for when I want to be mobile) and I am more than happy with them. 

I was so impressed with the quality of Manfrotto kit that when I was looking for a new holster bag for my camera I took a punt and ordered the Manfrotto advanced holster bag. Are Manfrotto camera bags as good as their tripod/monopod range? Take a look at the following clip, and all will be revealed..... 

Related videos

For more photography equipment reviews take a look at the "Photography equipment reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

How water proof is the Lowepro Inverse 200AW camera bag?

It is vital that any camera bag is one hundred per cent waterproof. Even if you try and never go out and about with your camera in the rain there is always the possibility of getting caught out, and if this happens you need to make sure your expensive photography equipment is well protected and won't suffer any water damage. 

Whenever I buy a camera bag the first thing I check is how water proof it is, and this is exactly what I did with the Lowepro Inverse 200AW bag. To see how this bag performed in my waterproof test take a look at the clip below:-

 Related videos 

For more photography musings you may find the "Photography ramblings" playlist useful/interesting. Feel free to head on over and check it out.

Thursday 7 June 2018

Essential wedding photography lenses

If you want to photograph all aspects of a wedding there are some "must have" and specific lenses that you must have with you, and if you have all of these lenses (and there aren't actually that many) you will have everything you need to capture and record the entire day. 

The following clip details all the essential wedding photography lenses, and if you are an aspiring wedding photographer it is a clip that will definitely be of use to you.

Related videos

For more lens reviews check out the "Canon lens reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Do you need an f2 8 lens for landscape photography?

Many wannabe landscape photographers lust after a 16mm - 35mm f2.8 lens, and whilst these are exceptionally good lenses I do question why. A fast lens simply isn't needed for landscape photography, and whilst it may be nice to say "my lens opens up to f2.8" how many times do you think you'll be taking landscape shots at that aperture? How many time do you think you'll be taking landscape shots at any aperture wider than f11? my guess is going to be none........ 

Landscape photography requires front to back sharpness, which requires shooting at narrow apertures. Consequently, a lens that opens up to f2.8 really doesn't matter. Check out the following video for more.

Related videos 

For more lens reviews take a look at the following "Canon lens reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Using a 16 - 35 zoom for portrait photography - really?

A 16mm - 35mm is a wide angle zoom lens that most photographers use for landscape photography, seascape photography and real estate photography. The 16mm - 35mm zoom lens is obviously useful for wide angle applications but it is also a great lens for portrait photography, as explored in the following clip:-

Related videos

The "Canon lens reviews" and "Photography Ramblings" playlists, as below may be useful.of interest. Do head on over and check them out.

Thursday 31 May 2018

Pros and cons of the Canon 24 - 70 f2.8L

The 24mm - 70mm f2.8 lens is a workhorse lens that all photographers should have in their lens bag. If you shoot a Canon dslr camera there is only one 24 - 70 lens you should buy, and that is the Canon 24mm - 70mm f2.8L lens. 

Being an L series lens this lens is made using the best materials and optics, which means it is tough, durable and has excellent image quality. Check out the following clip for the pros and cons.

 Related videos

For other Canon lens reviews take a look at the following "Canon lens reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Video footage captured using the Hubsan X4 501S drone

The main reason for buying the Hubsan H510S drone was to learn how to capture decent aerial footage and stills, and the reason for the H501 was because of the camera quality. I had read that the image quality of the camera on the H501 drone is exceptionally good, and this is what persuaded me to part with my hard earned money and buy one. 

So what is the Hubsan 501S' image quality like? Take a look at the clip below, which is my first ever aerial video captured using the drone and see what you think.

At the moment I am in two minds and can't decide whether it is good or not. I am not blown away by the quality (the image quality not the subject matter) but then I don't think it is total junk either. I guess I am going to have to keep on testing it, and make my mind up in the future. 

Related videos 

For more drone videos and footage the "Drone & Aerial Photography" playlist below may be of interest.

Friday 25 May 2018

The disadvantages of the Godox Witstro AD200 TTL

The Godox AD200 is a great photography flash however it is not perfect, and there are a few issues with it. Before you part with your hard earned money and buy an AD200 you need to be aware of the problems/disadvantages, so you know exactly what you're getting yourself in to, and the problems are explored in the following clip:-

Overall, the AD200 is an excellent light and one I highly recommend. 

Related videos

For more flash photography videos you may find useful/be of interest check out this "flash photography" playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Pros and cons of the Canon 100 - 400L IS lens

The Canon 100 - 400L IS lens is a great lens, and one of the best Canon lenses I own. I primarily bought this lens for motorcycle racing, however I soon started using it for bird photography and wildlife photography. A few years back I realized you can even use it for taking photos of dragonflies and butterflies.

This truly is a remarkable lens that is tough, durable and bombproof. The image quality is superb and the image stabilization helps capture tack sharp hand held shots. It may not be the fastest lens around but then given the cost of this lens you can't expect it to be.

Check out the following review of the Canon 100 - 400L IS lens:-

Related videos

 For more Canon lens reviews you may find useful . of interest take a look at the "Canon lens reviews" playlist courtesy of Youtube.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

The Pros and cons of the Canon 35mm f2 IS lens

The Canon 35mm f2 IS lens is a cracking prime lens. This mid range lens is tough,durable and very well made. The image quality is very good, and images are sharp and punchy and not over saturated. This lens gives a lot of bang for the buck, and I am stunned how Canon can sell a lens this good for such a low price and still make money on it. 

If there's one prime lens you need for your Canon dslr camera it is this lens, and you can check out the following review and see just how good it is.

 For more Canon lens reviews you may find useful or be of interest check out the " Canon lens reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Essential Godox speed lights and flashes

Godox are a Chinese company that produces top end speed lights, lighting solutions and flash photography equipment. Godox flash photography products are well made, long lasting, easy to use and there is a light for all scenarios. 

Godox flash equipment is much cheaper than the competition, and it often seems to cheap to be any good. Don't let the low price of Godox flash equipment put you off because is is very good. I own several different Godox lights, flashes and speed lights so I can personally confirm just how good Godox photography equipment is. 

As previously mentioned I own several different Godox lights and the ones I consider the "must haves" are explored in the clip below:-

Related videos 

For more flash photography videos you may find interesting/useful check out the "Flash photography" playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

Friday 18 May 2018

Pros and cons of the Canon 28-300L IS lens

The Canon 28mm - 300mm L IS tele lens is Caqnon's most under rated lens, and I struggle to see why. Okay, this lens is big and heavy but it is tough, durable and well made. The image quality is awesome and the range of focal lengths it covers makes it a versatile lens. I bought the Canon 28mm - 300mm L IS lens for travel photography and those times when I want a single lens solution. I am fast realising the 28mm - 300mm is on my dslr more than it is off it. 

For a quick review of the Canon 28mm - 300mm L IS lens check out the following clip, and afterwards I think any reservations you may have about this lens will disappear:-

For more Canon lens reviews check out the "Canon lens reviews" playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

Fun with the Canon 8mm - 15mm f4L fish eye lens

The Canon 8mm - 15mm fisheye lens is a speciality lens that you may, or may not find useful. Personally, I think the 8mm - 15mm fisheye lens is superb, and whilst it isn't cheap it is effectively two fisheye lenses rolled in to one. 

The build quality of the Canon 8mm - 15mm f4L fisheye lens is superb and the image quality is even better. If you want to take ultra wide angle shots with your Canon dslr camera this is the lens you need. For a quick review of the Canon 8 - 15 f4L fisheye lens take a look at the following clip:

Related Videos

For more Canon lens reviews that may be useful/of interest check out the "Canon lens review" playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

Thursday 17 May 2018

Canon's best budget prime lens - Canon 40mm f2 8

There was a time when the Canon 50mm f1.8 lens, i.e. the "nifty fifty" was considered Canon's best budget prime lens. Well, times have changed, things have moved on and there is another short focal length prime lens that has stolen the crown. 

Canon's best prime lens now is the 40mm f2.8 lens, and it is a great lens. The build quality is good, the image quality is great and the best bit - it is as cheap as chips! Check out the following video review and see just how good the Canon 40mm f2.8 prime lens for yourself:-

For other Canon lens reviews that may be useful/of interest check out the following "Canon lens Reviews" playlist courtesy of Youtube:-

A quick tour around the Godox TT350 speed light

The Godox TT350 speed light is a small, light weight and powerful speed light that is perfect for tight spaces, travel photography or those times when you lust don't want to carry around a large flash. To see just how good the Godox TT350 speed light is take a look at the following clip.

Related videos

For other flash photography videos that may be useful or of interest check out the following "flash photography" playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

The Canon 50mm f1.8 is far from perfect - Here are the bad bits

The Canon 50mm f1.8 lens is a popular lens and whilst many photographers rave about it, this little lens is far from perfect, as explored in the following clip:-

 For more Canon lens reviews that may be of interest check out the following playlist, courtesy of Youtube:-

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Hubsan X4 mini drone fails and crashes

The Hubsan X4 H107C mini drone is an excellent drone for learners and beginners, and there is one good reason for this. The reason the X4 mini drone is such a good buy for beginners is because it is tough, strong and durable. This little drone can take many crashes and scrapes, and still come out the other end unscathed.

My Hubsan X4 H107C has been crashed and banged around several times, and I have given it some real punishment. My H107C is a bit scratched and scraped but it still works as it should.

To see just how tough this little drone is, take a look at the video above all captured when I was flying my Hubsan X4 mini drone

Flying the Hubsan X4 H107 mini drone outside

The Hubsan X4 H107C mini drone is a tiny drone that can be used both indoors and out. Yep, despite it's tiny size Hubsan are confident the H107 mini drone can hold its own outdoors, and I thought I would test this out.

The Hubsan H107 mini drone is a great indoor drone, there are no arguments about that, but what's it like to fly outside? Take a look at the short clip above and see for yourself. 

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Motocross racing, Cadders Hill, Lyng 2018

A great day out at the Maxxis British championship motocross series at Cadders Hill, Lyng. The day was not hot, but the action and the racing was. Check out this small snippet of the day's moto x racing captured using my Go Pro 6 action camera.

Slow motion Motocross captured using Go Pro 6

Slow motion footage of a Maxxis British Championship round at Cadders Hill, Lyng using a Go Pro 6 action camera. To see just how good the Go Pro 6 is at capturing slow motion footage, or not as the case may be, check out this clip.

Sunday 25 February 2018

What is the camera on the Hubsan X4 H107C really like?

The Hubsan X4 H107C mini drone is a great drone for learners and beginners, and one of the first questions many people want to know is "what's the camera on it like?" Rather than trying to explain what the video quality is like it's far easier to show you, and that is what the video above is for.

The video above was captured using the Hubsan X4 H107C and has no editing done to it whatsoever. Yep, the footage is taken straight out of the camera, uploaded to a movie making program and then uploaded to the internet. Along the way I have added some captions, but that's it.

If you are interested in seeing what the video quality of the Hubsan X4 H107C is like please do check out the video above. 

Monday 19 February 2018

Will drone simulator software improve your drone flying skills?

With a limited amount of daylight hours and bad weather the winter months are not an ideal time to learn to fly a drone but there is something that may help you develop drone flying skills in those dark cold months, and all from the comfort of your arm chair, and this is drone simulator software. The big question is - does it work and is it for you? To see a quick glimpse of what drone simulator software can do take a look at the video above. 

Drone and aerial photography video playlist that may be of interest

Tuesday 9 January 2018

My first ever drone has arrived - Here's the un-boxing

I have been toying with the idea of buying a drone for several weeks now, and having spent many, many hours researching, watching videos and tutorials, questioning the forums and the like I finally pulled the trigger and ordered one.

After a long (and I mean long) five day wait my drone was finally delivered. I was hoping it would arrive at the weekend so I could get out there and fly it, but this was not to be. The drone was delivered whilst I was at work and with no chance to fly it for six days I was gutted.

My first ever drone is a Hubsan 501S and below is the un-boxing of it. Feel free to take a look and share my experience and excitement.